Photography is an very engaging activities. My first SLR camera was a Pentax P30... SLR means Single lens Reflex. Pentax is a very reliable camera. Too bad, it doesn't have auto focus... An SLR is much better than a point and shoot camera. SLR camera allow you to used interchangeable zoom lens.
Common terms used in photography are... exposure, DOF, aperture, f-stops, zoom lens. A photographer will need to know these terms to manipulate the camera well. Also, digital camera photography has newer sets of terminology as well pertaining to its genre. Things like resolution, memory card, pixels and so on so forth...
If you are new to digital camera and photography, may I suggest some resources to learn the basics. The site links are below...
Factors affecting photo quality
Correcting camera parallax error
I hope you like cameras and photography as well :}
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