This page contains some informations and ideas for generating an online income.
To be frank, revenue making from the internet is a tough business.
The only advantage that it has is that it does not require a big overhead. Basically, you will need a computer with internet access. In some cases, you will need a website too.
One of the way to earn some online income is through affiliate program. Basically, in another word, you are selling other peoples things and products. You do this through internet as a medium. Here are some honest take at this things call affiliate selling: frank affiliate tips.
Another way of online earning is through profit sharing site. There is a popular one known as squidoo. This site split the earning to their registrants. But honestly speaking, there are too many users on this site. This makes it difficult to be noticed. Another example of a profit sharing site is Mylot.
Paypal is a common platform for monetary transaction on the internet.
OK... that's it for now.